I realized that i had nothing describing the project, for those who don't know what it is. I am a Minerva Fellow for Union College, working in conjunction with the Harpswell Foundation, and am in Cambodia from July 2009 through April 2010 to set up a co-operative motorbike repair shop. The goal is to provide jobs for several men from Tramung Chrum, a village that the Harpswell Foundation has worked with in the past. Any income beyond what is required to pay the workers and run the business will go to TC.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Long Time No Post


So it's been quite a while since I posted last. Some exciting stuff has happened. I'll list it, going approximately from most important to least.

1. Two guys from Tramung Chrum are now going to the moto-repair school that I was going to in Phnom Penh. I'm going to try and post a picture of me with them sometime soon.

2. I stopped going to school. The second stage was irritating and felt like a waste of time. I brought a translator who did a good job, but the stuff covered was fairly basic. So I moved on.

3. Water and Electricity have been hooked up to the shop, although not distributed, i.e. there is no plumbing or wiring per se.

4. I am moving out of Phnom Penh this Sunday, and moving in with Leb Ke's aunt for an indeterminate amount of time until I find a place to rent in Sala Lekh Prahm.

5. My dirt bike now functions without sounding like it's in its death throes. Hopefully this will continue to be true for some time. Also, I got my registration card, meaning it will be less reasonable for police to harass me.

6. I shaved with a straight razor, which in the US probably would have earned me nicknames such as "patches" and "slicey". I reccommend everyone who feels impatient and/or lacking a good attention-span should try shaving with a straight razor. You will very quickly develop laser-like focus, because otherwise you too will earn silly nicknames thanks to your sliced up and oddly patched face. I was pretty cavalier about it at first, and gave myself a reasonable flapper, like a cut that produced a flap of skin.

No good pictures to accompany this post, and while I could describe some of these happenings in more detail, I'm not feeling particularly verbose right now. Perhaps in the future.

Okie Dokie.

My next post will be post Phnom Penh. Get excited hahaha.....


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are well and "taking the bull by its horns" as it were. I wondered if everything was okay since you hadn't posted in so long. Everyone on the Watson Committee says hello - we interviewed potential nominees for many, many hours tonight.
